Thursday, April 18, 2019

Sometimes we all need a "pick me up"

I have a few people in my corner lately who could use a message of resilience and strength. Often, especially lately, I have pondered that ever present phrase, "everything happens for a reason." There are times when I love this phrase, and times when I hate this phrase. Is it true? How do we know? I tend to "just believe" it when I'm feeling more optimistic. Then, there are days that aren't as bright so I do not always believe the phrase, or even want to hear it at all. 

Today, I needed to remind myself to step back and smell the roses. Through even the toughest of times, there are always opportunities to bloom. Choosing to bloom is the tough part! How can I help those around me who are struggling to bloom? What is the best way I can be supportive? I worry that I am not enough to help, but hope that I am enough to get them started. Here's to hoping!

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