Sometimes we need others to help prompt us along into a more positive mindset or a shift in our energy. I do believe that the people in our lives are there for a purpose. Yesterday my administrator, after a while of chatting, finally said, "okay, now tell me something more positive." It was a good wakeup that I needed to shift my entire mindset. I had several things happen that morning that shifted my vibe, so to speak, and I was letting it get to me. What a great thing to have a leader who asks the right questions.
Another time I needed a shift was a few years ago when I was in the doctors office. There were a lot of things going on in my world when I noticed the picture and poem below on the wall. What a perfect reminder that I am on my way - as a school counselor and as a human. We're all evolving, right? I'm working on it!
Today, after working really hard this morning to make sure I was off on the right foot, I had a few more reminders. One student, when talking about how they spent their new years eve said this: "Sometimes if I can, I stay up late until midnight and me and my brother stand on one foot. Then we know for sure that the new year is going to start on the right foot!" I loved this! Right after, I came back to my office to an email (shown below) that really made me reflect on all the good in the world. People are good. This world is good. I needed some positive reflection and a positive resolution to start this year and I am eternally grateful for those who give me the little shoves I need to do so! What is your resolution this year?
"It's been a while since my last email. I hope things are going well for you at work and at home. This might seem weird, but you are part of the group of people I pray for every Friday morning and during my time this morning, God prompted me to reach out to you.
I read through several different things this morning trying to figure out what God wanted to say to you through me. Nothing was registering. Then as I was packing up my laptop I ran across some of my old scribblings on a crumpled up half sheet of paper. Among several things written in black ink was the following written in blue ink:
"Don't promote to leaders someone who hasn't shown to be a good servant."
I've admired your servant spirit from the very first time we talked on the phone. I say it to you often because I mean it so sincerely: the students and those in your area are incredibly fortunate to have you and your amazing heart doing what you do so well.
I know what my blue-ink scribbling above means to me but don't know what it might mean to you. If there is any chance you're considering some sort of leadership position today or in the future, you have consistently and faithfully shown yourself to be an amazing servant.
Stay well and stay safe"
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