Friday, December 16, 2016

We are what we say we are...

Well, as it always goes, I was given a harsh (but important) little reminder today. My students teach me so much. After a guidance lesson on the positivity and mindsets, my students so honestly explained that we are what we think we are. "If we just think that something good will happen, then it will." .... I just wanted to say, "DUH" to myself! :) I went through the morning very sleepy and un-motivated. I can honestly remember saying to a colleague this morning, "I'm just so tired today." Well, well... sounds like I was talking myself right into the kind of day I was going to have!

We left our fun little lesson realizing, as they pointed out so well, that we are what we say we are! So instead of sleepy, today I am a learner. I am alive. I am excited about the snowfall! As we move into this holiday season, we can choose to have the kind of day that we end up having. Unlike Alexander in the terrible, horrible, no good day book, we can shift our mindsets right away in the morning!

And why do I always need these reminders for such simple little things? :)

Happy Friday!

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