Friday, April 15, 2016

Your spirit shows...

I have been doing a lot of reflecting on my school counseling program as a whole. As a 4K - 12 school counselor, I have some amazing opportunities to connect and meld my program into one, larger entity that flows together. Because I am always wanting to do more and more, I struggle with all of the ideas that come my way - I want to do everything!

How does one pick and choose which great ideas to carry out?

After thinking about that question, I came upon this great little photo and quote. So true. At first, I could only see how this pertained to my personal life... but after considering it some more, it truly is an answer to that question: (How does one pick and choose which great ideas to carry out in a school counseling program?).

A school counseling program could be good if all of the wonderful ideas of the world were included, but those ideas are best carried out if they also blend with who we are as a school counselor, as a person. Ultimately, those things that I carry out with passion, with spirit, are the things that will be most successful. Rather than asking what more I can do, I should ask what more I can do with spirit! More is not always better. Less can be more, too.

Deep breath now. Don't be afraid to let go of some of the cool things that you think you want to do, especially if it doesn't mesh with who you are and the greater goals of your program. Build a program with spirit, not a program that is overflowing with things and ideas. :) All good reminders for me!

1 comment:

  1. Nicole, Your positive energy is enough to help all the beautiful souls at your school. You have always been the "light" to the room and I know you are doing amazing things and making a difference every single day! :)
