Friday, March 13, 2020

Finding the JOY in the worry...

Image result for finding joy

Unless you're living under a rock, you've likely been inundated with information about COVID-19 and the world-wide pandemic that is beginning. For my own sake, and maybe for yours, I need to write about JOY today. I need to choose joy, in the midst of all the worry. 

It seems as though "worry" has it's own energy, different from negativity and anger; it's something that I have yet to wrap my head around. It is hard to fend off and it is hard to ignore. Just like being in the midst of negativity or anger, we can work toward fighting this off through focusing on the opposite. What is the opposite of worry? Probably mindfulness. I need to take a page out of my own book and go back to the basics. Being mindful will help me be present and in the moment. Being present and in the moment will eliminate worry. Eliminating worry will remind me of all the JOY around me. Simple. 

With that said, I have to bring back my mantra for the school year, "what we see depends entirely on what we are looking for." Well, would you look at that?! Something I have been preaching all year proves to again be a solution to the problem. I was going crazy with all the talk about the corona virus, but now I can take a step back to look at what is really important. If I look for talk of the virus, I WILL find it. BUT, if I look for the positives, for the joy, I WILL find that too. 

Here's to finding your joy today...