Friday, December 21, 2018

Free positive thoughts...

Anyone else ever experience the "Christmas Crescendo"? Leading up to the holiday break, it seems that students are often off their rocker. Parents are too. Everyone is. I have long ago stopped asking the question, "are you excited for break?" Instead I find myself prodding a bit to see how they are feeling about the break and asking things like, "does your family do gifts at all?" Or, "how can you keep busy over the break?" I would venture a guess to say that the majority of students I work with closely do not look forward to having this much time off of school. In turn, there is a lot of acting up, reaching out, emotional things happening right now. Routines are shifted and the most vulnerable of our population is often impacted negatively.

This has all hit me so hard this year. I definitely needed a pick me up. In my old files I came across this sign that I had made once upon a time... FREE POSITIVE THOUGHTS. What a concept! I knew I needed something, so I added more positive thoughts to the bottom and sent out an invite to my staff! Come one, come all!

If your holiday season is one that you enjoy, I hope it is everything you hope for this year. If not, please know that we "feel ya." One step at a time. Sending out love into the world in hopes it hits those who need it most this holiday.