Friday, April 20, 2018

Choose your life.

This week, with some little ones, I posed the question, "do we get to choose our future career?" It was extremely interesting to hear their responses; it typically went like this: "Yessss... Noooo.... Well... Maybe...." You could see the wheels turning in their minds when they first thought, "YES!" and then when they thought of a parent or friend who has a job they do not like or want to do, they thought, "NO!" Almost all of them had a story of someone who does not like a career path and did not choose it, yet all of them also said that THEY want to choose their own career someday. Of course we do! We had great discussion about what went into being able to choose your own career and also why some people end up in careers they do not want to do. I originally did not think that the initial question was going to induce so much discussion and thought.

Don't you love those moments? The times when you take one simple little thing and turn it into a grand, and unplanned, learning experience? Here's to Friday and here's to choosing our own lives!