Friday, January 5, 2018

Opening minds to the world...

Image result for opening minds

So many times, lately, my "WHY" has popped up and hit me right in the face. My "why," meaning the reason WHY I do what I do. We all have a "why." What is yours? Well, mine just so happens to be this: you know that feeling you get when one of your students all of a sudden has an "ah ha" moment?" My why is about that, but then I take it a step further. My "why" is when a student has a "light-bulb moment" when their mind gets opened up to a broader, more accepting and tolerant world. 

I left a job in a big school district to come to a small, rural area for a reason. I didn't know that reason completely when I left, but it has been slowly revealed day by day. My "why" comes about often here. What a blessing (in disguise, of course). Don't forget to look for your "whys" every day!