Friday, April 21, 2017

Here's to you!


It was one of those mornings when I let the tone of the meeting set my mood. But why in the world should I do that? I determine my vibe for the day, and that was certainly not the kind of energy I would have wanted to give out to anyone. How about a re-do!?

Isn't it the truth that the mindset we go into something with determines the outcome exactly. I feel like I am in the middle of a field study where three separate groups of humans are all exposed to the same condition - and each comes out of it completely different, all because of their mindset! Crazy! Amazing! Wow! - Well, not really. It just makes sense.

Here's to the ability to choose our own outcomes. Here's to the ability to choose our own mindsets. Here's to the ability to determine our future, no matter what surrounds us. And here's to Friday! :)

Monday, April 3, 2017

Enjoying the moments...

As I watched the sunrise this morning on the drive to work, I thought about the funniest moment of the day yesterday. While working on mindfulness and doing a sight exercise with second graders, we were noticing details in things. When noticing details about me, on student said, "your teeth are all white." And just then, another student excitedly stated, "It's because of the crest, duh!" I had a bit of a chuckle since his blurry speech made the sentence even more humorous. I love when we can find humor in our days. Often, we overlook it because of the chaos surrounding us, but I resolve to find it again today, too.