Friday, September 16, 2016

And the heartbreak continues...

It seems that over the summer I forgot what it feels like to be a school counselor. Either that, or I am feeling things a bit deeper this year. The heartbreak of this profession is something that goes hand in hand with the fulfillment, I suppose. Stories continue to flow in from the long, awful summer break. Tears are flowing and students are re-adjusting to a more consistent life. Within all of that, I am constantly amazed by those who have grown and matured over the summer, those who have turned a new page, and those who continue to be strong despite their horrible circumstances.

This world is truly amazing. We have some truly amazing and resilient students that we come across every day. Here's to those kids. The ones who fight through it all and the ones who often float to the back of the room to be invisible. What an honor it is to serve them.

Friday, September 2, 2016

New year, new heartbreaks...

At the beginning of a new year, I find my heart breaking many times a day. The young girl, who I know well from past concerns, coming up to me and hanging on tight - so tight - telling me over and over that she missed me. The others with dark circles under their eyes due to the lack of consistent sleep, or even a place to sleep, over the summer. And then there are the parents, or adults who step in as parents who come to relay all of the horrible events of the summer so we can help clean up the mess. The tearful parents who just want someone, anyone, to provide the hope. This hope is directly connected to the public school system, a system where I LOVE to work.

The beginning of the year is also a time that reminds me how much I love what I do. I have said it many times, but it is so good to be back with these kids. They are my "why"... why I do what I do. 

Cheers to the new year! Cheers to giving these kids, and the adults in their world, exactly what they need!