Friday, October 16, 2015

The important things...

What a day to remember to not take the little things in life for granted. The important things. Life is precious. When really taking time to remember the important things in life, we often overlook the things that happen at school, during the work day. It is easy for my mind to wander to the boat days or the sunsets or even the rainbow I saw on a walk outside. But, really, what about during the work day?

When I think about those "little things" that we come across in the daily life of school counselor, the moments below come to mind:

  • When a student "happens to stop by" and the conversation turns into just what they needed. 
  • When the cooks have a little extra something to share from the cafeteria, oooo it's so good.
  • When that really "tough cookie" has a breakthrough and shares insight.
  • The funniest things that come from the mouths of the very little ones. 
    • This week, it was, "But my brain just forgets to be nice!"
  • When a student stands up for another student. 
  • When students excitedly come with ideas about forming new counseling groups.
    • This just happened.
  • When students leave notes or draw pictures of "thanks."
  • When the exact student you needed just happens to walk by, and you don't have to go look for them.
  • When a morning meeting gets cancelled on just the day you needed the extra time. 
  • When you have enough time to eat lunch sitting down. 
  • .... what are important moments?
Why is it that we don't keep these things at the forefront of our minds? Why do our minds have to get so muddled with the less important information? 

Today, I'm going to take some time to step back; To get my priorities straight; To remember the most important things in this precious life.